since my last post,
I stepped into a madhouse and inhaled chemicals for the first time in my life. I had my coffee near a murder scene enjoying the sunshine and the lack of guilt. I killed a living creature… I am full of guilt for that. I was publicly humiliated. I had a crush… absolute disaster. I spent time thinking in retrospect and counting my mistakes and flaws one by one. I watched one of the funniest ads ever. I traveled into deep blue eyes whishing for a change I am probably not ready to face. I… , I…, blah blah blah.
oh! I sooo much want to watch a horror movie with good company. company that you can scream with during the frightening scenes and laugh after that, and cover your eyes during the most suspenseful ones, and… blah blah blah again.
here are some more black and white prints of mine. my muse A. of course, some very nice guys I met playing chess by the sea, an abandoned shelter by the sea too and a singer in a rock – metal gig I went.
today begins my class’s 1st photo exhibition. 8 months pasted since I’ve started. 8 very interesting months thanks to all my fellow students and my teacher. photos from the event coming up soon… : )

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