19 May 2012

tattooed gratitude

the last ten days were mostly enlightening. day zero I met shaman D. and from this point on my gradual awakening from oblivion began. day one I was one of them, always have been. everything as usual… hmmm rather not, something... day two I was looking at them and realizing how extraordinary they are. days three to five I was examining them systematically while they were working, talking, eating, watching tv, making love, sleeping. days six to nine I gained some understanding of their behavior. they were joking, laughing, crying, shouting, feeling lonely, being indifferent, luscious, honest. day ten I finally realized the truth, my quintessence, my destiny.
I am thankful for the terminal and for the shell. I am so thankful I want to run in the street and shout it out loud. THANK YOU! ehm… rather not. I might scare the humans. maybe I’ll tattoo it on my soul as an expression of gratitude to God. plus I could see it every time I am grudging about something stupid and come back to my senses.

p.s. as for the tattoo masters beneath, all photos from the 6th Athens international tattoo convention that took place at Tae Kwon Do stadium in Palaio Faliro, 11 - 13 May, with more than 50 participating studios and almost 100 artists.

sake tattoo crew

open mind tattoo

fixin touch

unicorn tattoo

dirty roses

honest tattoo

no remorse

crossbones family - art tattoos spyros

paroxysm tattoo

teo tattoo

house of pain - ozzy tattoo

house of pain - sifou tattoo

08 May 2012

great expectations

days go by and you do what you always do, live. and as you are about to suppress a yawn and swallow down your routine, a delicate creature catches your eyesight. wowww! what a look! what a motion! what an aura! you have to capture the moment. and then you can not do otherwise but to look at the photo again and again and admire this miracle. but no, this is not enough. you have to express these emotions, to show your affection, to honor this beauty. so you make an icon of it and you write a few words to praise it. and you imagine yourself handing it over and your feelings returned and butterflies in your stomach and… and… and then reality happens. a condescending smile and a typical thank you. damn! but of course you fool! wake up! it’s a bug, it does not see the way you see and it definitely can not read! besides at which point did the selfless loving feelings turned into egocentric self-indulgent expectations?!