the last ten days were mostly enlightening. day
zero I met shaman D. and from this point on my gradual awakening from oblivion
began. day one I was one of them, always have been. everything as usual… hmmm
rather not, something... day two I was looking at them and realizing how
extraordinary they are. days three to five I was examining them
systematically while they were working, talking, eating, watching tv, making
love, sleeping. days six to nine I gained some understanding of their behavior. they
were joking, laughing, crying, shouting, feeling lonely, being indifferent,
luscious, honest. day ten I finally realized the truth, my quintessence, my destiny.
I am thankful for the terminal and for the
shell. I am so thankful I want to run in the street and shout it out loud.
THANK YOU! ehm… rather not. I might scare the humans. maybe I’ll tattoo it on
my soul as an expression of gratitude to God. plus I could see it every time I am
grudging about something stupid and come back to my senses.
p.s. as for the tattoo masters beneath, all photos
from the 6th Athens international tattoo convention that took place at Tae Kwon
Do stadium in Palaio Faliro, 11 - 13 May, with more than 50 participating
studios and almost 100 artists.

open mind tattoo
fixin touch
unicorn tattoo
no remorse
crossbones family - art tattoos spyros
paroxysm tattoo
teo tattoo
house of pain - ozzy tattoo